Wednesday, 2 March 2011

In the words of the Governator - I'll be back!

So, this week has been another fairly dismal week for my blog I'm afraid, but there is good news! As of next Thursday I will be back to working as a freelance designer full time (at the moment I'm juggling a part time job, freelance work and Folksy) which means I'll have a ton more time and energy to devote to the Green Feather, yay! In the meantime I'll be back on Friday with a Folksy Friday and I'll still be using Twitter so you can follow me on there - @thegfeather. Enjoy your week :)


  1. Eek ! Congrats : ) What is the free-lace work that you do?

    I can't wait to dedicate all of my day to Homemade day!!

    Gemma x

  2. It's so cool that you're a freelance designer. I'm a bit envious. You go girl!

  3. congratulations on your new job!
